October 1990 | VORTEX

Directed by Sean T.C. O'Malley
November 1990 | VORTEX

Directed by Scott Shattuck; Written by Robert Chesley
January 1991 | VORTEX

Death of a Son
Written and Directed by Kirk Smith
January 1991 | VORTEX

Directed by Bonnie Cullum; Written by Bonnie Cullum & the Ensemble
March 1991 | VORTEX

Krapp's Last Tape and Not I
Directed by Bonnie Cullum; Written by Samuel Beckett
April 1991 | VORTEX

Lamb, Lamb, Lamb
April 1991 | VORTEX Guest Artist Deborah Hay

Shooting from the Hip Area
Written and Directed by Wayne Alan Brenner
April 1991 | Cafe Armageddon & VORTEX

Sex Love Stories
May 1991 | VORTEX Guest Artist Tim Miller

A Kinder, Gentler Performance Art Festival
May 1991 | VORTEX
Directed by Steve Bacher

Sex, Gender, and Betrayal
June 1991 | VORTEX

Ancient Boys
Directed by Penny Weiner; Written by Jean Claude Van Italie
July 1991 | VORTEX

Dancing with Fire
Directed by Lurana O'Malley; Written by Penny Weiner
August 1991 | VORTEX

Step on a Crack
Directed by Amy Burton; Written by Suzan Zedar
July 1991 | VORTEX Summer Youth

Skin of Our Teeth
Directed by Johanna Whitmore; Written by Thornton Wilde
July 1991 | VORTEX Summer Youth